The Truth Behind 10 Beauty Myths

We've all heard them – the beauty myths passed down through generations, and more recently, spread through our social media circles. But how much of it is true?

When it comes to beauty myths, there are more than we can count, but we get a lot of questions about the ones below, so we wanted to set the record straight.

Let's dive in!

 Myth: Facial Product Application Order Doesn't Matter

Truth: The order in which you apply your skincare products is essential. You want to start with the lightest consistency and work toward the thickest product. Many lightweight products are water-based (like our Root & Stem hyaluronic acid-based Chinese herbal serum). If you apply water-based products after applying oil-based products, they'll have a tough time getting through because oils act like a barrier on your skin. This can drastically reduce the efficacy of some serums, so it's a good idea to think your application order through.

We recommend starting with a gentle cleanser, then applying your toner or serums, and adding moisturizers, oils, or creams.

Myth: You Need Lots of Expensive and Complicated Skincare Products to Look Your Best

Truth: Nope. You don't need a 20-step routine to have glowing skin. Sure, investing in high-quality products is essential, but high quality and expense sometimes go hand in hand. Also, you don't need to buy every product on the market or apply countless layers of serum and creams daily to have great-looking skin.

Some brands make a fortune capitalizing on this myth.

How do we know? We've been formulating skincare products for years, so we have a decent idea of how much ingredients cost, which active ingredients have the most significant impact, and which are mostly hype.

That's why we keep our facial products pure and simple. We use extremely high-quality, organic ingredients, but only a carefully curated select few. This keeps our cost per product reasonable without compromising efficacy.

The most important thing is finding the right products for your skin type and getting into a routine that's simple enough to stick with day after day.

Myth: You Should Wash Your Face Morning and Night

Truth: Have you heard the term "microbiome"? It's the collection of bacteria and microorganisms living on your skin. Your microbiome has a purpose: it protects your skin from environmental aggressors and encourages homeostasis (a state of balance). Overwashing can disrupt your microbiome, so it's essential not to overdo it.

If you wear makeup, consider using a gentle cleanser in the evening and simply rinsing your face with warm water in the morning. If you're a heavy makeup wearer or an avid gym-goer, twice-a-day facial cleansing might make sense.  Remember to use a gentle product that doesn't strip away your natural oils and hydration.

Myth: Oily Skin Doesn't Require Moisturizer

Truth: Contrary to popular belief, the opposite is often the case! One cause of oily skin that we see a lot is dry skin. When your skin lacks hydration, it triggers the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. So, adding a moisturizer to your skincare routine helps regulate oil production and restore balance.

Myth: Daily Exfoliation is Good for Your Skin

Truth: Exfoliation is integral to a healthy skincare routine, but you don't need to do it every day. In fact, over-exfoliation can cause micro-tears in the skin and lead to dryness, irritation, and even acne.

We recommend using a gentle exfoliator no more than twice a week to remove dead skin cells and residue from your pores. In addition, you should opt for gentile physical exfoliants that don't contain plastic microbeads. While microbeads work fine, they contribute to plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways, so please avoid them at all costs.

Myth: Microneedling Can Damage Your Skin

Truth: Microneedling (or collagen induction therapy) is safe for your skin when performed by a licensed professional. While it does make holes in your skin, they are too small to see with the naked eye. In addition, your body's natural response seals them closed again within hours of treatment, and collagen production improves so that you benefit from firmer and more elastic skin in the long run.

The procedure is gaining popularity as a safe and effective treatment for acne scars, age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines.

Myth: Microneedling is Painful

Truth: Microneedling is virtually painless. At Root & Stem, we use a topical numbing cream and have patients relax on the table while it kicks in. In addition, the single-use micro needling heads we use are incredibly fine, and some describe the sensation as a "tingling" feeling. Your skin may feel tender for a few hours, but not painful.

Myth: Microneedling Requires a Recovery Period

Truth: Just the opposite! Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure, so you can expect to return to your regular activities right away. Your skin may have some minor redness or sensitivity during the 24 hours right after your treatment, but that usually fades quickly. Some people even experience a "glow" that develops over the next few days.

Myth: Microneedling at Home is the Same Microneedling from Your Acupuncturist or Med Spa

Truth: Not even close. Professional microneedling devices are medical-grade oscillating mechanical pens that can penetrate the skin far more deeply than at-home tools (like derma rollers). As a result, the effects of professional microneedling are far more dramatic and do much more to stimulate your skin's natural collagen and elastin production and improve skin texture and tone.

Professional microneedling can even reduce scarring from acne or injury, stimulate new capillaries for improved blood supply, and stimulate and restore hair growth when used on the scalp.

Myth: Professional Microneedling With Your Acupuncturist is the Same as Microneedling at a Med Spa

Truth: Not all microneedling is the same. Acupuncturists are highly skilled professionals with extensive training in facial anatomy and physiology. Unlike Med Spa professionals, we look at your body as a whole because we know that facial aesthetic concerns often have roots in internal imbalances that can lead to stagnant qi.

Our Radiant Aging Cosmetic Acupuncture Program combines microneedling with facial acupuncture techniques used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine to support aging, restore balance, and improve the overall health of your body, mind, and spirit.

Final Thoughts

There's plenty of chatter about beauty, especially regarding microneedling, and it can be a challenge sorting fact from fiction. We hope this post helped you better understand the truth behind some popular myths so that you can make well-informed decisions about your skincare.

Healthy, glowing complexion results from cultivating balance and harmony in the body, and a holistic approach yields the best results.

We've got you covered if you're looking for a natural, long-lasting alternative to Botox and fillers. Our 12-Week Radiant Aging Program is the perfect way to support your natural beauty and create a beautiful complexion without resorting to invasive or chemical procedures.

Looking For “Microneedling Near Me?”

We're here for you. Get in touch with us today and start your journey to a radiant complexion. Microneedling combined with cosmetic acupuncture is a true skincare game changer, and we would love to help you achieve your natural beauty goals.

Ready to get started? Book cosmetic acupuncture and microneedling in Nevada City or Oakland today!