5 Amazing Ways Acupuncture Benefits Runners

If you're a runner, chances are you're no stranger to muscle aches, sore joints, and the possibility of injury.

There are risks involved with any athletic pursuit, and for those of us who love the feeling of a good run, the risks definitely outweigh the physical and mental benefits!

Whether you're training for competition or someone who enjoys the occasional jog around the block, it's vital to ensure you're doing everything you can to keep your body healthy and injury-free so you can reap the maximum benefits of running. Acupuncture can help!

Here are five ways that acupuncture can keep you running strong!

Injury Prevention

Although acupuncture is highly effective for injury treatment, its greatest potential benefit for runners is preventing them from occurring in the first place.

Let's face it. When it comes to running and training, injury prevention is everything. After all, no runner wants to be stuck on the sidelines nursing an injury instead of pushing themselves further and building on all their hard work.

As runners know, certain areas (like the back, hips, and legs) are more prone to injury due to the intense demand placed on them by running. In addition, these areas can be difficult to relax once they become tense.

Acupuncture needles penetrate directly to deep muscle bands, triggering release and relaxation and reducing joint tension. Relaxed muscles benefit more from stretching and are less injury prone. Acupuncture treatments improve muscle fiber mobility and provide runners with ongoing relief from chronic running-related aches, pains, and joint stress.

Ligaments and tendon injuries, familiar to runners, are also some of the most stubborn. Regular acupuncture improves blood flow to ligaments and tendons, making them stronger and more resilient so they can withstand the demands of running with less risk of injury.

Energy and Endurance Boost

Every running enthusiast knows that the sport requires a LOT of energy and endurance, and it can be a challenge to maintain the level of performance you need to achieve your goals.

Regular acupuncture treatments help boost your energy and endurance by improving your circulation, which can help to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. Acupuncture stimulates your body's natural energy pathways (meridians) and natural life force (qi), which increases stamina, endurance, and performance.

In addition, acupuncture treatments improve your overall well-being and reduce stress, so you feel more energized and ready to take on the next challenge!

Injury Treatment and Pain Relief

While prevention is critical, injuries happen. If you do suffer an acute injury or chronic pain from a previous injury, acupuncture can alleviate discomfort, improve your quality of life, and get you back on your training schedule in less time.

There are several ways acupuncture helps with pain relief. First, it stimulates the body's natural pain-relieving mechanisms, such as the release of endorphins and enkephalins (your body's natural painkillers).

Second, acupuncture stimulates blood flow and qi to the affected area, initiating healing and reducing inflammation.

Lastly, acupuncture helps to restore balance in the body's meridians, which helps your body begin to heal itself and can reduce the intensity and duration of pain.

Many of the most common running injuries heal faster and stronger with acupuncture. Runner's knee, for example, benefits from the increased circulation and reduced muscle tension acupuncture treatments provide, resulting in improved knee mobility and pain relief.

Reducing Inflammation

As a runner, you're no stranger to inflammation. After all, it's a natural response to the stress running places on your body, but too much inflammation leads to pain, stiffness, and injury. Acupuncture can help to reduce inflammation by increasing blood flow to the affected area, which promotes healing and reduces swelling.

Acupuncture also stimulates your body's natural anti-inflammatory response, which helps reduce pain and promotes recovery.

Improved Recovery Time

As a runner, it's essential to give your body time to recover between workouts, but if you're dealing with pain or inflammation, you might find your recovery periods are longer than you'd prefer.

Acupuncture can help improve recovery time by boosting qi, blood circulation, flexibility, and range of motion while reducing inflammation, bringing more oxygen to affected areas, and stimulating the body's natural healing response. Combined, these effects can dramatically improve recovery time after strenuous exercise so you can get back on track sooner.

Also, by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, acupuncture helps you get a better night's sleep, which is essential for optimal recovery and performance.

Final Thoughts

As a runner, you know that achieving optimum performance is so much more than just putting in the miles. And that staying healthy and injury-free is essential to achieving your goals.

Acupuncture is a great tool to help you do just that. Whether you're dealing with pain, inflammation, or chronic injury, looking to get more from your workouts, or simply looking for a way to boost your energy and endurance, acupuncture can help.

We recommend three to four treatments monthly for serious and competitive athletes to help them reach peak performance. However, even casual runners see huge benefits from regular acupuncture treatments to help them meet and exceed their goals with less risk of injury.

Want to learn more about how acupuncture can benefit you as a runner? Call Root & Stem any time at either of our clinics (Oakland: (510) 463-4304, Nevada City: (530) 900-4304) or email hello@rootandstemclinic.com.

Ready to give acupuncture a try? Book your first session in Oakland or Nevada City today!